Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Should You Know, If You Are Going To Buy A Television..?

Posted by sneha malviya 2:36 PM, under | No comments

With all the changes in technology and program content, buying a tv set is not as simple as it once was. While it is easy to be tempted to buy the one that looks prettiest in the advertisement or on the showroom floor, it's not always the best fit for your circumstances. The following will help you make a better informed decision, and using you can make detailed comparisons between set sizes, different technology, brands and vendors.

TVMeasure where you will be watching.

It's important that the set you buy will fit in the space where you want to put it, and that it's visible from where you want to sit. Therefore, it makes good sense to measure the space where the set will go. You need to measure the width, the height and the depth of the space, so that you can choose a set that will sit comfortably in that space, with sufficient ventilation and edge space for installation and cleaning. You should also measure the distance to your cable socket if you have an external aerial, and be sure to allow sufficient space for rear panel audio and video cable connections so that they can be easily connected and disconnected.

Getting the right sized screen is a balance between the dimensions of the room and your viewing habits, and your choice of technology. A regular tv has a screen aspect ration of 4:3, (that is, the dimensions are four units wide by three units high) and its size is given as a diagonal measure across the screen. The most comfortable viewing range for a regular tv is to be a distance away from the screen that is three to six times its given size. For example, a 48cm regular tv is best viewed further away than 116 cm and closer than 232 cm.

Watching high-resolution DVD and digital TV on a wide screen set however, provides much sharper images than regular sets, and this means you can sit closer and experience a more immersive, theatre-like picture. With a wide-screen tv, you can sit as close as 1.5 times the screen's diagonal measurement and not notice any loss in quality. Sitting farther away than three times the screen however, means you're likely to miss out on the immersive 'theatre' feel, even though image-wise, the sharper pictures will be clearer from a greater distance. Conversely, what this means, is that for the same given room space, you can install a significantly larger tv if it's wide screen. So in today's market, you are faced with one major deciding factor:

Regular TV or Wide Screen

While the regular tv dimensions are 4:3 (see above), a wide-screen set has an aspect ratio of 16:9 (16 units wide, 9 units high) and this is the same shape as many cinema screens and movies. Wide-screen sets are more expensive per square cm of screen than a regular tv, and more regular TV is watched than DVDs and movies, so 4:3 sets continue to be a popular choice. However standards a re changing rapidly and almost all digital, flat-panel and rear-projection tvs are wide screen. While television stations frequently broadcast many movies in digital/wide screen format, a large amount of station-produced content is in regular format, but this too is changing. So it makes some sense to seriously consider wide screen.

Either way, there is some compromise to consider because one rectangle doesn't fit exactly into another. Wide-screen program shown on a standard tv has black bars, known as letterbox bars, above and below the wide-screen image. The alternative to this is to sacrifice some of the picture at each edge of the screen, and get the full depth of the picture. When you watch a program formatted for regular tv on a wide screen, black bars, known as windowbox bars, appear on either side of the picture. One alternative to this is to lose some picture at the top and bottom of the screen.

But one of the features of a wide-screen tv, is the ability to stretch, crop, or zoom the regular 4:3 image so that it fills the screen, ultimately distorting the image or losing some of its content.

Picture Quality, Audio Quality, Connectivity

Using an online shopping comparison such as doesn't give you the personal feel of looking at the tv set on the showroom floor. However, once you've narrowed down your choices according to size and manufacturer specification, it may pay to look at some sets so you can judge picture quality for yourself.

So what makes a good picture? One of the first considerations is contrast: in order to have clear sharp and bright pictures, the screen itself must be dark. Screens that are two 'green' or 'grey' will not produce high definition images. Do this with any surrounding televisions turned off and an even light in the room.

A second consideration is the flatness of the picture tube. If you are looking at an LCD or Plasma screen, this is already flat, but with picture tube technology, flatter tubes result in less glare from windows and lamps, and less shape distortion. A flat tube screen will give you a better viewing experience.

If a tv doesn't have a comb filter, its resolution will be limited to about half the full potential of a DVD. While comb filters affect only composite-video or RF connections, sets with a comb filter can usually provide all of the resolution of DVD and will not have distracting 'rainbow' images where highly contrasting colours coincide. Comb filters include glass, digital, and 3DY, and different types provide different levels of quality, but ultimately, it's better to have one than not.

Digital and High Definition TV means that the ability for a tv to display a progressive scan image is also factor that affects picture quality. A progressive scan image is a feature of digital tv broadcasting and DVD imaging with a more film-like look to it than normal video.

For optimum television watching, you need to consider the quality of the sound too. It is now quite common for people to integrate tv and hi-fi equipment into a more complete home entertainment system, giving a more dynamic home theatre experience. Digital and High Definition tv and DVD, sound quality is similar to that of CDs, so it makes sense that audio connectivity allows you to connect into surround sound or other hi quality sound systems. It's worthwhile to check to see that the tv has a least one set of stereo audio inputs and one set of stereo audio outputs, as well as video input and output connectors. On the input side, check for RCA-composite, S-Video, and component video inputs. You can frequently find an additional set of audio and video inputs and/or outputs on the front or at the side of the tv, a very convenient location for more temporary connections, such as game consoles, web tv or video camera equipment. It can be terribly inconvenient if you are limited to only connections at the rear of the set, or only one set of inputs and outputs, which can often mean unplugging and reconnecting permanently installed equipment.

If you are intending to use a set-top digital receiver, make sure the tv has the correct connections, and that they are compatible with the receiver equipment. Using you can search through a great number of brands for the correct specifications. Ideally such connections should be made with Fire Wire, DVI-D with HDCP or HDMI connectors.

Plasma or LCD

While there are still quality CRT televisions (tube style) being manufactured, the current television technology being pursued by manufacturers is Plasma High Definition or LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). The main advantages these two technologies offer includes the smaller space taken up (mostly in depth) for a bigger picture, less heat (and therefore less electricity consumed) generated for a bigger picture and the appearance of compactness through digital technology. But what are the differences?

In the Plasma tv over a million tiny glass cells are charged with a mixture of neon and xenon, behind which are coloured phosphors that emit light when energized. Each cell has a red, blue and green phosphor. When Plasma cells are charged, they emit invisible UV light. that strikes the red, green and blue phosphors on the back of the display, creating the pixels that form the image you see on the screen. LCD however, is a suspended liquid between two transparent panels that, when activated by voltage, re-position themselves so that they either allow the light to pass through the panel and or block the light, a similar process to turning on and off millions of light bulbs. The light source is provided by fluorescent tubes behind the panels. Both the lit and unlit crystals create visible pixels composing the image on the screen.

Many independent reviewers believe that manufacture's specifications of Plasma tv is not accurately portrayed. LCD appears to be both brighter and offer more contrast, whereas Plasma appears to have higher definition colour, superior viewing angles and faster response time providing crisper screen movement. Plasma uses more power than LCD, but may provide a more theatre-like viewing experience. Use to compare the latest brands of Plasma and LCD televisions.

Remote Controllers and Accessories

All tv sets come with remote controls. Some come with what's known as the Universal remote control, a remote control that can control all of your media hardware. The remote control should be easy to use and it should address all of the tv set's functions. Many sets do not have function controls on the tv itself, which could cause problems if the remote controller is lost. Also, not every universal remote can control everything. Most are pre-programmed with a set list of codes, and if the codes don't match your older or off-brand gear, then you're out of luck. A few are learning models that can accept the IR codes from your other remotes and, thus, control any kind of gear.

A number of other features can be taken into account when considering your tv purchase. These might include picture-in-picture (PIP), or picture-outside-picture (POP), commercial skip timers, channel blocking (called the V-Chip), and tuner extras to make channel selection and switching easier. Additional accessories that you might need include additional cables, a good power surge protector and a stand. Service may also be a consideration and in some circumstances, an extended warranty or service package may be a good investment.

Search for the different specifications and price ranges of the latest tv technology, where you not only compare the world's leading brands, but also the service and support of the people who sell them.

Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Choose An mp3 Player..?

Posted by sneha malviya 8:21 PM, under | No comments

The market for MP3 Players can be a confusing one, just as it is for many home and portable electronics. Some of the most important things to consider when shopping for an MP3 player are how you personally wish to use the player, its weight/size, and storage capacity. In addition, you will need to become somewhat knowledgeable about file formats and compatibility with your PC.

First, think about the type of device you really want. 

Hard drive-based MP3 player:

These offer the most storage; from 10 GB and higher (up to 80GB) allowing you to put huge amounts of music on one device. They also have larger display screens and are easy to use. For these reasons, they are an excellent choice for use when commuting in your car. A hard drive-based MP3 player is larger and heavier however. They have movable parts which can be jarred during motion which makes them a poor choice for use during fitness activities. A hard drive-based MP3 player usually has rechargeable batteries which can be a cost saver but many are not removable and must be replaced after 4 or 5 years. There are also some "micro" hard drive-based players with a capacity that tops out around 12GB. Although smaller/lighter than a regular hard drive-based player their moving parts still make them a poor choice for activity.

Flash-based MP3 players:

A flash-based MP3 player is an excellent choice for use during exercise/activity. They have no moving parts, are extremely compact, and have a 32 MB-8GB capacity. Due to the lack of moving parts their batteries tend to last longer. With all of this convenience however they actually have a much higher per megabyte cost than the hard drive devices.

MP3 CD Players:

These devices can play standard CDs and can store up to 650 MB. They are the least expensive MP3 Player but they are large and can skip when moved thus are not a good choice for use during activity.

Once you have determined which type of MP3 player is best suited to you based on how you wish to use it and how much storage is desire, you will want to consider issues related to downloading music.

What format is used?

MP3 is the most common but some of the others include .aac, .wma, .wav, and atrac. These are all formats used to compress music files so that they can be downloaded quickly and take up less memory. WMA formats for instance, allow the user to store nearly twice as much per megabyte but are a less common file type that MP3. This is important to consider since any particular file type can not be used if your MP3 player does not support it.

Connecting to your computer and downloading:

If you want to download music from your PC a USB 2.0 standard interface is much faster than USB 1.0. A FireWire Port or FireWire PCI card is also fast but only supported on some computers.

Finally, be sure to check for other features such as the following:

The display:

Can you read it? This is important as it allows you to use the functions on the device and provides information you want such as the title, artist and other playlist information.

Other functions and features:

FM radio reception, a remote, a clip to attach to your bag or possibly an armband if you're active, the ability to record music live or from stereo components, voice recording, or advanced playback features. Some flash MP3 players offer a stopwatch function or other fitness related features. Newer MP3 players now offer color screens, photo viewing, and video playback for those who want all the bells and whistles.

There are a large number of MP3 player products on the market, finding the right one requires buyers to carefully consider which functions and features are most desirable for them. Using a simple buying guide can get a shopper thinking in the right direction and simplify the selection process.

How To Make SomeOne Intense Happy...?

Posted by sneha malviya 12:03 PM, under | No comments

How much better would everyone’s life be, if we all accentuated or stressed what is good about a person, situation or relationship rather than what’s bad about each one? This is an equivalent discussion to the metaphor of whether to view a glass as half empty or half full. It’s seems more common to view the faults or weaknesses of others rather than their strengths and attributes. Yet I believe we can all incrementally improve our lives, as well as those we interact with, by making a “simple mindset change toward the positive.” Then follow up by changing our tone of voice and altering our communications by leaning toward the positive rather the negative end of the spectrum.

In most loving relationships with close family members (husbands, wives, children, parents, brothers, sisters) we all get to know each other quite intimately. Lots of time is invested in these relationships, in close quarters, during different periods of our lives. Because we live together for extended periods of time, we really get to know these individuals more than any others we will come in contact with during our entire lifetimes. We learn first hand about their habits, idiosyncrasies and character. We know if they are generous or stingy; neat or sloppy; kind or mean; conscientious or reckless; and most of all what makes them happy or sad.

Armed with this powerful intimate knowledge, gained from years of sharing daily experiences together with our loved ones, we can almost predict with laser-like precision, how they will react to different words, phrases, accusations or statements that are made to them. Patterns form over time and individuals are very predictable. You don’t need an advanced degree in psychology, to predict the outcome of topics you converse about or the same statements you make repeatedly over a course of many years. Thus many statements that are repeated that bring on the same negative results, over and over again – are much better off unsaid – in order to promote happiness and harmony in relationships.

But somehow many individuals seem to suffer from repeated cases of amnesia when it comes to repeatedly upsetting their loved ones. They must know from the past that certain statements and behaviors they engage in will result with the same exact negative reaction with precision like results. Yet they continue to go down the same road for months, years or even decades – and suffer the same exact consequences each and every time. It makes you wonder what ever happened to the story of learning from touching a hot stove and getting burned badly – then never, ever repeating that action again?

It’s quite unfortunate when we can’t learn from our own mistakes – regarding any situation in our life. The School of Hard Knocks is not the place you want to earn the distinction of perfect attendance every day of your life. Rather, it should be a place you visit as infrequently as possible. Yet many individuals have multiple graduate degrees from the School of Hard Knocks and still insist on attending daily!

Why not take a more positive approach to life and make each day better than the next, by learning from a mistake once and not repeating it again. When you learn that certain words, phrases, accusations or behavior patterns result in anguish, stress and disagreements – back off and don’t go down that road again. If you were to walk down a dangerous street at 2:00am in the morning, and had a really bad experience – would you go back there again and again? I don’t think so. You would avoid that situation – just as you should avoid situations that upset others around you that you love and care about.

Why not devote your energy to do more of what it takes to make someone happy? We all know what actions we can take to make those around us happy, like displaying how much we appreciate the little and big things they do out of routine and for the benefit of us. Small gestures of appreciation, from a hug to a few kind words are like investing powerful capital to build an empire of happiness. Or how about respecting one’s opinion instead of ignoring it? Displaying respect for others is like adding jet fuel into one’s heart to pump up their enthusiasm and make their day a great one.

How about some pleasant surprises? Performing a kind, thoughtful unexpected gesture will make those you love feel wonderful. At the start of every day, it’s your choice how that day will unfold. You can repeat the same errors in judgment that caused negative results for years; or you can choose to do go out of your way to make those around you happy. Choose well… well! A little change in mindset can create HUGE POSITIVE RESULTS!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

No One Reading On My Blog ! I Noticed :(

Posted by sneha malviya 9:34 PM, under | No comments

Nah! Changed my template..... :) Don't know why, and i don't wanna talk anymore about this. But have changed it.... Anyone would like to comment on this template? Oh i forgot! Who is reading on my blog? hahahahhah ... I got a nice point.. Anyways, hope i will get subscriber to my blog soon. Alot more readers, who wants to rock up life with me. And ofcourse, could get to know the real stuff of my life... Do not Plug In To my blog post !!!!! Who dares to read it full and comment? Tell me, who is the one? Hahhahaha .. Well quite funny but not at all.. Little serious ofcourse Yaar. I mean, no one reading my blog then i should be getting happy for this or Sad? Use common sense Yaar. Ya little in funny mood but thats not at all, i can get up to another point soon. But right now, Understand ya, Its night time, and ofcourse my sleeping time.. Yaaawwwnnn... Take care .. Seee You All Later .. May be in the morning.. Catch me On ... The chase has began ... :) Take Care .. Good Night !

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Funniest Thing Of Today's Morning!

Posted by sneha malviya 9:35 AM, under | No comments

Hey you All ! Do you know, whats the funniest thing of today's morning? Hahahaha! Well, its not difficult to check out the funniest thing of today's morning, coz its none but its all same as i saw it yesterday morning. Did you all ever judged it that, why its all always the same day and same scene which we see around our neck? Well ofcourse, the simple and the simplest answer, its coz we live in around these things which may not be different for our whole life. Not much said but its much for today. Well if you keep on the way to the very known feelings which you have inside he deep of your heart. Just make it the one and be yourself the changing one, the each day! Anyways, now its the time, to get on to my home's floor and look out the beauty around. Try it once! It's really really really really really Beautiful ! Hope it happens to you too. Hehehehe. Take care......